Privacy Statement

On this page:

We are delighted that you are using the city of Leoben’s websites. Please take note of the following information in order to ensure that you are fully informed about the collection and use of usage data and personal data:

Scope of Application

This data privacy statement applies to the website.

Please note that on external platforms (,, …) and social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) the data privacy policies of the respective platform shall apply.

Legal Notice

You are entitled, in connection with the personal data that concerns you, to demand that the data be corrected or deleted, or that the processing thereof be limited, as well as to object to a certain kind of processing (article 16 to 21 of the GDPR).

Furthermore, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority regarding what you consider to be unauthorized treatment in conjunction with the right to the protection of your personal data. This applies in particular, if you feel at a disadvantage in conjunction with the assertion of the right of access (article 15 paragraph 1 lit. f. of the GDPR).

Further Information:

Data Storage

Personal data, such as contact data, is collected and stored whenever you send information on an event to this website or contact us by using a contact form.

Data Transmission & Data Security

The Municipality of Leoben points out that the transmission of data on the internet, via email, for example, may involve security gaps. Complete protection of data against access by third parties cannot be guaranteed. The Municipality of Leoben shall not assume any liability for damages caused by such security gaps.

Use of Cookies

This website uses so-called “cookies”, which serve to make our internet presence more user-friendly and more effective – for instance when it comes to making navigation on our website faster.

Cookies are small text files, which are saved on your computer. We would like to point out that some of these cookies are transferred from our server to your system, whereby it is mostly a matter of so-called “session cookies”. They are characterised by the fact that they are automatically deleted from your hard drive at the end of the browser session. Other cookies remain on your computer and enable us to recognize your computer during your next visit (so-called permanent cookies).

1.1 Technically required first-party cookies requiring consent

Cookies that from a purely legal definition are not absolutely necessary to use the website play an important role. Features that enable convenient browsing of our website, e.g. pre-filled forms, would be impossible without these cookies. Without them, your settings cannot be saved – such as your language selection, for example – and would therefore have to be answered for each page individually, and we would no longer be able to submit tailored offers to you.

Please find information on the first-party cookies we use in the table below:

Name Description Term
acceptCookies The first time you visit our website, you will be informed that this website uses cookies. By using the site, you agree to the storage of these cookies. The acceptCookies cookie makes sure that this information is not displayed every time you visit the website and that user-friendliness is not impaired. 12 months
cookieNoticeGA Explicitly saves the setting if Google Analytics is activated. 12 months
cookieNoticeAll Saves all settings made in the cookie banner. 12 months

1.2 Embedded YouTube videos

This website uses the YouTube embedding feature to display and play videos of the provider YouTube. The sites are operated by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA.

The extended data protection mode is used for embedding which, according to the provider, only triggers the storage of user information when the video(s) is/are played. When embedded YouTube videos are started, the provider uses cookies to collect information about user behaviour. According to YouTube, these cookies are used, among other things, to collect video statistics, improve user-friendliness and prevent misuse.

In addition, we use a 2-click solution to prevent a direct connection to the Google network “DoubleClick” whenever this website is accessed. This connection is then only able to trigger further data processing action without our influence when you play a video.

When you are logged into your YouTube account you make it possible for YouTube to allocate your surfing behaviour to your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out from your YouTube account.

For more information on data protection by YouTube please refer to the privacy statement of the provider.

Data processing is done on the basis of your consent (Art. 6, par. 1 (a) GDPR). You can withdraw such consent any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Please find below further information on the third-party cookies used to which you agree when activating YouTube videos on this site:

Name Description Term
CONSENT Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data about the way in which the user uses the site. 3 days
GPS Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data about the way in which the user uses the site. 1 day
IDE Used by Google Analytics to throttle the request rate. 5 months
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Tries to estimate the user bandwith on sites with integrated YouTube videos. 179 days
YSC Registers a unique ID that is used to keep statistics of the YouTube videos watched by the user. session

1.3 Embedded city maps

This website uses the services of map2web to display interactive maps in the internet presence directly and to ensure your convenient use of the map feature. The provider is Schubert & Franzke Gesellschaft m.b.H., Kranzbichlerstraße 57, 3100 St. Pölten (“map2web”).

In addition, we use a 2-click solution to prevent a direct connection to map2web whenever this website is accessed. Only when you activate the view can this connection trigger further data processing action without our influence.

When you visit the web presence, map2web will be informed that you accessed the respective sub-page of our online presence. In addition, the data described under Server Log Files are transmitted.

Data processing is done on the basis of your consent (Art. 6, par. 1 (a) GDPR). You can withdraw such consent any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Please find below further information on the third-party cookies used to which you agree when activating city maps on this site:

Name Description Term
_osm_location; Is used to unlock OpenStreetMap content. 10 years
Is used to measure the performance and improve OpenStreetMap. 1 month to 1 year

1.4 Google Analytics

To improve our contents and services on this website further, the web analysis software Google Analytics is used on this website following your active consent.

To settings: Cookie preferences

Learn more about data protection at Google services

Notice in accordance with the terms and conditions of Google Inc.
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files which are stored on your computer and which make it possible to analyse your use of the website. The information created by the cookie relating to your use of this website will, as a rule, be transferred to and stored on a Google server in the USA.

In the course of activation of IP anonymisation on this website, your IP address will first be abbreviated by Google within member states of the European Union or in other states signatory to the agreement concerning the European economic area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and abbreviated there. Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on the website activities and to carry out other services in connection with the use of the website and Internet use on behalf of the website operator.

The IP address transmitted from you browser in the framework of Google Analytics will not be consolidated with any other Google data. You can prevent cookies being stored on your computer with an appropriate setting of your browser software; however, we must advise you that in this case you may not be able to make full use of the functions of this website.

Anonymisation of the IP Address
We would like to point out that this website uses Google Analytics with the extension “_anonymizelp()” so IP addresses are only processed further in abbreviated form to prevent them from being directly linked to a particular individual.

Data processing is done on the basis of your consent (Art. 6, par. 1 (a) GDPR). You can withdraw such consent any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Please find below further information on the third-party cookies used to (performance cookies):

Name Description Term
_ga Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data about the way in which the user uses the site. 3 days
_gat Restricts specific data transmissions to Google Analytics. 1 hour
_gid Contains a unique, randomly generated ID; allows the identification of recurrent users and the merging of data from earlier visits. 24 hours

1.5 UXtweak

To improve our contents and services on this website further, the software UXtweak of UXtweak Research Group, UXtweak j.s.a., Ilkovicova 2, 842 16 Bratislava, Slovakia, is used on this website following your active consent. By this means we can learn more about the way users use our website. UXtweak works on the basis of anonymised data.

To settings: Cookie preferences

Learn more about data protection at UXtweak

Data processing is done on the basis of your consent (Art. 6, par. 1 (a) GDPR). You can withdraw such consent any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Please find below further information on the third-party cookies used to (performance cookies):

Name Description Term
uxt-replay_* UXtweak RePlay cookie. Sets when a visitor opens a website that uses UXtweak RePlay. It stores the current session’s random id. When the visitor leaves the site, the cookie’s expiration is set to 30 minutes. If the visitor doesn’t come back, the cookie expires and the visitor’s next visit will be recorded as a new session. Session
uxt-identity UXtweak RePlay cookie. Sets when RePlay’s collector script is first downloaded. It stores a random visitor id, which it uses to distinguish between visitors and to identify repeated visits. Permanent
uxt-recruiter-focus UXtweak Recruiter Widget cookie. Set when the visitor sees a page with the recruiter widget on it. It makes sure that once the visitor minimized the recruiter widget, it will stay minimized as visitor continues browsing the website. 10 min

Server Log Files

We use the services of the webspace provider abaton. The provider is abaton EDV-Dienstleistungs GmbH, Hans-Resel-Gasse 17, 8020 Graz, Austria.

In the framework of our Agreement on Data Processing according to Art. 28 GDPR concluded with the agency “Fonda Interaktive Medien und Kommunikation GmbH”, Neubaugasse 57/36, 1070 Vienna, abaton collects data about each access to the provision (server log files). The access data include: time of retrieval, retrieved URL, browser and anonymised IP address of the user, operating system if applicable. The log data is used for statistical analysis for the purpose of secure server operations only. If there are concrete indications of a justified suspicion of illegal use, the log data will be verified later. The data will be deleted after 14 days.

Data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interests (Art. 6, par. 1 (f) GDPR) to guarantee safe operation of the server.

E-Mail Transmission

We use the Mailjet service of Mailjet GmbH, Rankestraße 21, 10789 Berlin, Germany. The service is used, for example, to send out e-mails about announced events to users.

All mail data that are sent via this website are transferred via Mailjet; these data include sender, receiver and mail content.

Learn more about safety and data protection at Mailjet

Updates of this Privacy Statement

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Statement as needed to reflect technical developments and legislative changes and/or to update it in connection with the provision of new services or products.


In the event of disputes, only the German version of the data privacy statement shall be legally binding. The English version is provided for information purposes only.