Legal Notice

Disclosure according to Sec. 25 Austrian Media Act is the internet presence of the Municipality of Leoben. We offer digital services and information about the administration of the City of Leoben, politics and current events in the city on this website. The information and service provision at and its subdomains are provided by the Municipality of Leoben.

Information according to Sec. 24 (3) Austrian Media Act and Sec. 5 Austrian E-Commerce Act

Media owner and publisher:

Stadtgemeinde Leoben
Erzherzog Johann-Straße 2
8700 Leoben
+43 3842 4062-0
Fax: +43 3842 4062-320

Municipal code: 61108
VAT number: ATU 38081008
DPR: 0067636

We make every effort to ensure that the content is up-to-date and complete at all times. However, should you still come across incomplete or obsolete information, please inform us by e-mail to Please observe the liability disclaimer.

Editorial team:
The contents on the website are managed by the Municipality of Leoben, Office for Citizen Communication (in German).

Screen design and technical implementation:
FONDA – Interaktive Medien und Kommunikation GmbH

Copyright & Terms of Use

The layout and design of the web provision is protected by copyright in its entirety as also with regard to its individual components.

References and Licensing:

  • Photo credits:Photo credits are the condition for publishing our photos and must be given.
  • Icons:This website uses graphic charts from
  • Online Administrative Assistance:Some content is based on information from the and web portals.


While we take every effort to provide up-to-date, correct and complete information on this website, we do not accept any responsibility, guarantee or liability for the correctness, completeness or topical relevance of the information provided on this website. The contents on our website do not represent legally binding text documents. No legal claims can be derived from the information on this website.

We reserve the right to change and amend the information on the website at any time without prior notice and do not commit ourselves to updating the provided information on a current basis.

The website referred to is a voluntary service provided by the Municipality of Leoben, and no legal claims can be derived by its users. The Municipality of Leoben shall be entitled to withdraw and/or discontinue this service at any time.

Liability for loss of data or for damage that arise from the use of the services and information retrieved is excluded. Users of this website are responsible for storing and archiving their data.

While we take every effort to keep any disruptions caused by technical problems to a minimum, we are unable to guarantee or accept any liability that our service will not be interrupted or otherwise impaired by disruptions.

Links to external websites:

The website contains links to third-party websites that are maintained by other parties. These links are provided for the users’ convenience and do not constitute an endorsement of the contents of these sites. The Municipality of Leoben is not responsible for the content on external websites and is not liable for the content and accuracy of the material on third-party websites. The Municipality of Leoben is also not responsible for the data protection terms on the websites or platforms of third parties.

´The providers of these sites shall be solely responsible for faulty, illegal or incomplete content and in particular for damages from resulting from their use. The Municipality of Leoben does not accept any liability in this respect.

Additional information

Please note the Privacy Statement  of the website